
經搜尋PubMed 及華藝線上圖書館資料庫,鎖定年份為2015年到2025年文獻,共有43篇國際期刊研究,76篇國內期刊研究,79篇博碩士論文(更新日期20250310)。

No.YearAuthorTitleJournal / ThesesLink
12025J. H. ChenUrban marginalization experiences and social etiology of Indigenous migrants’ sleep disturbanceCultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psycholhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1037/cdp0000733
52024Z. Y. Liao, S. Kean and E. Haycock-StuartIndigenous lands and health access: The influence of a sense of place on disparities in post-stroke recovery in TaiwanHealth Placehttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2024.103210
62024Z. Y. Liao, E. Haycock-Stuart and S. KeanBiographical continuation: recovery of stroke survivors and their family caregivers in TaiwanPrim Health Care Res Devhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1463423623000610
72024K. L. Yang and P. Y. LinAssociation of HLA-C*07:359 with HLA-A, -B, and -DRB1 alleles in TaiwaneseTzu Chi Med Jhttp://dx.doi.org/10.4103/tcmj.tcmj_288_23
82023洪敬宜, 蔡瀚輝, 陳秋蓉, 王明珠 and 葉錦瑩探討原住民族勞工職業災害預防影響因子勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=P20150527003-N202309270010-00006
102023張籃心漢族心理師之跨文化諮商工作經驗─以原住民諮商為例國立暨南國際大學諮商心理與人力資源發展學系 輔導與諮商碩士班碩士論文http://dx.doi.org/10.6837/ncnu202300123
142023戴玉琴, 顧雅利 and 鄭金鳳長照ABC2.0服務:東部某醫院的經驗秀傳醫學雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.30185/scmj.202312_22(3).0022
152022怡懋.蘇米 and 林佑樺健康人權-論臺灣原住民族健康不均等與疫情政策之適當性護理雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.6224/jn.202212_69(6).02
182022H. C. Tien, W. L. Hou and Y. M. YangExperience of Indigenous Peoples’ Access to Long-Term Care Services in Taiwan: A Qualitative Study among Bunun TribesHealthcare (Basel)http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/healthcare10122383
192022F. J. Lin, Y. C. Huang, Y. C. Huang, L. M. Huang, C. C. Liu, H. Chi, H. C. Lin, Y. H. Ho, F. T. Wu, J. J. Mu, C. A. Hsiung, C. Y. Huang and S. M. ShihClinical and epidemiological features in hospitalized young children with acute gastroenteritis in Taiwan: A multicentered surveillance through 2014-2017J Formos Med Assochttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfma.2021.06.001
202021高倜歐, 高靜懿, 林德文, 田惠文 and 何麗娟我們需要更多原住民籍護理師嗎?護理雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.6224/jn.202104_68(2).04
212021H. Burn, L. Hamm, J. Black, A. Burnett, M. Harwood, M. J. Burton, J. R. Evans and J. RamkeEye care delivery models to improve access to eye care for Indigenous peoples in high-income countries: a scoping reviewBMJ Glob Healthhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjgh-2020-004484
222021C. Y. Lin, H. J. Hung, C. J. Chung, C. T. Huang, T. N. Wu and C. Y. ChenEthnic disparity in metabolic syndrome and related obesity and health behavior: a community study in TaiwanDiabetol Metab Syndrhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13098-021-00751-3
232021S. S. Weng, T. C. Chan, P. Y. Hsu and S. F. NiuNeighbourhood Social Determinants of Health and Geographical Inequalities in Premature Mortality in Taiwan: A Spatiotemporal ApproachInt J Environ Res Public Healthhttp://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18137091
242021林姵君原住民族教師知覺受歧視經驗之研究-以南投縣原住民族教師為例國立暨南國際大學諮商心理與人力資源發展學系 輔導與諮商碩士班碩士論文http://dx.doi.org/10.6837/ncnu202100396
262021王昱臻 and 邱獻輝鄒族青少年飲酒經驗探究藥物濫用防治http://dx.doi.org/10.6645/jsar.202112_6(4).4
272021方玉貞 and 廖淑娟文化健康站與原住民在地老化:以南投縣信義鄉布農族人為例台灣健康照顧研究學刊https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=19946236-202107-202108260009-202108260009-16-44
282021林秋玉身體活動課程對原住民Kobah部落高齡者健康促進之影響國立暨南國際大學諮商心理與人力資源發展學系 終身學習與人力資源發展碩士班碩士論文http://dx.doi.org/10.6837/ncnu202100053
302021P. J. YangStressful Experiences, Connection, and Depressive Symptoms Among Taiwanese Han and Indigenous YouthFront Psycholhttp://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.695751
312021C. Y. Lee and Y. Y. ChangBetel quid chewing and cessation in the sociocultural context of Paiwan people from Taiwan: a qualitative studyJ Ethn Subst Abusehttp://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15332640.2019.1657544
322020Y. C. Tsao, W. C. Li, W. C. Yeh, S. W. Ueng, S. Y. Chiu and J. Y. ChenThe Association between Metabolic Syndrome and Related Factors among the Community-Dwelling Indigenous Population in TaiwanInt J Environ Res Public Healthhttp://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17238958
332020M. C. Chen, H. L. Huang, Y. C. Chiu, P. K. Yip, S. M. Wu, W. C. Hsu, W. S. Wang, Y. F. Huang and Y. L. ShyuExperiences of Living in the Community for Older Aboriginal Persons With Dementia Symptoms in TaiwanGerontologisthttp://dx.doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnz013
352020范君嘉 and 張惠英一位原住民女性遭受家庭暴力之急診照護經驗志為護理-慈濟護理雜誌https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=16831624-202008-202008240012-202008240012-113-122
372020A. Arnaiz-Villena, I. Juarez, E. Crespo-Yuste, A. Lopez-Nares, A. Callado, G. Vargas-Alarcon, C. Vaquero and F. Suarez-TrujilloStudy of HLA genes in Mexico Mayo/Yoremes Amerindians: Further support of gene exchange with Pacific IslandersHum Immunolhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.humimm.2020.02.012
392019A. V. Skalny, W. Mona, R. Kao, M. G. Skalnaya, P. T. Huang, C. C. Wu, O. P. Ajsuvakova, O. A. Skalnaya and A. A. TinkovHair Trace Element Levels in Han and Indigenous Hualien Inhabitants in TaiwanBiol Trace Elem Reshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12011-018-1581-x
402019L. M. Lin, T. H. Tung and M. Y. YehExamining determinants of sexual behavior among indigenous adolescents in TaiwanMedicine (Baltimore)http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/md.0000000000015562
412019C. K. Liu, Y. C. Huang, Y. C. Lo, M. L. Wahlqvist and M. S. LeeDietary diversity offsets the adverse mortality risk among older indigenous TaiwaneseAsia Pac J Clin Nutrhttp://dx.doi.org/10.6133/apjcn.201909_28(3).0019
422019李美素 and 黃俊彥台南市都會區原住民銀髮族休閒涉入、心流體驗與幸福感之研究運動健康休閒學報https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=22180710-201906-202005070008-202005070008-21-36
432019高蕾迪部落高齡者學習動機與心理健康、生命意義之研究-以桃園為例國立暨南國際大學諮商心理與人力資源發展學系 終身學習與人力資源發展碩士班碩士論文http://dx.doi.org/10.6837/ncnu201900088
442019J. A. Trejaut, F. Muyard, Y. H. Lai, L. R. Chen, Z. S. Chen, J. H. Loo, J. Y. Huang and M. LinGenetic diversity of the Thao people of Taiwan using Y-chromosome, mitochondrial DNA and HLA gene systemsBMC Evol Biolhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12862-019-1389-0
452018王亮懿, 吳芷螢, 陳榮陞 and 游麗惠臺灣「健康餘命計算與解構資料庫」之建置介紹健康科技期刊http://dx.doi.org/10.6979/tjhs.201812/sp.0005
472018王亮懿, 黃絢縵, 吳芷螢 and 游麗惠臺灣原住民族與全國之平均餘命與健康餘命差距及解構健康科技期刊http://dx.doi.org/10.6979/tjhs.201812/sp.0010
502018賴亭君, 林宜勳, 郭懿芝, 陳柏思, 黃煒霖 and 王啟忠居家照顧服務員留任意願之探討台灣家庭醫學雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.3966/168232812018032801001
512017陳慈忻, 溫在弘, 方啟泰 and 詹珮君評估結核病接觸者在不同接觸情境的潛在感染風險台灣公共衛生雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.6288/tjph201736105125
522017周婉芸, 謝蕙宜, 楊逸菊, 林慧錚 and 鄭其嘉「數位學伴網路學習系統」推動原住民高年級學生性教育之行動研究計畫中華職業醫學雜誌https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=10233660-201707-201707280005-201707280005-227-238
532017林昭光, 陳政友, 羅文敏 and 林若蓓泰雅族國中生飲酒防制衛生教育介入成效研究健康促進與衛生教育學報http://dx.doi.org/10.3966/207010632017120048004
552017I. F. Li and Y. HsiungExploring Advance Care Planning in Taiwanese Indigenous Cancer Survivors: Proposal for a Pilot Case-Control StudyJMIR Res Protochttp://dx.doi.org/10.2196/resprot.5428
562017C. H. Cheng, C. C. Lin, H. L. Chen, I. T. Lin, C. H. Wu, Y. K. Lee, M. W. Wong and M. J. BairHigh frequencies of a favorable IL-28B rs8099917 polymorphism and the clinical implications in patients with HCV in one multiracial area of TaiwanKaohsiung J Med Scihttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.kjms.2017.06.005
572017馬維芬, 李佳霙, E. R. Gritz, I. Tamí-Maury, C. Lam and 林正介連接自我與家鄉的信物-檳榔在台灣原住民族文化中的角色護理雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.6224/jn.000041
582016李玲玲, 林淑緩, 嚴嘉楓 and 莊瑞菱原、漢老人健康需求比較研究護理雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.6224/jn.63.2.58
592016S. C. Juan, T. Awerbuch-Friedlander and R. LevinsEthnic density and mortality: aboriginal population health in TaiwanPublic Health Revhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40985-016-0028-1
602016L. T. Tsai, F. E. Lo, C. C. Yang, W. M. Lo, J. J. Keller, C. W. Hwang, C. F. Lin, S. Y. Lyu and D. E. MoriskyInfluence of Socioeconomic Factors, Gender and Indigenous Status on Smoking in TaiwanInt J Environ Res Public Healthhttp://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph13111044
612016黃筱晶, 施芊卉, 王婕穎, 侯佳弦 and 李茹萍台灣原住民女性健康與性別主流化之省思護理雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.6224/jn.63.3.12
622016孫亦君 and 朝巾玲花蓮縣萬榮鄉與卓溪鄉居民之飲酒型態台灣公共衛生雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.6288/tjph201635104071
632016李文文 and 賴維淑探討應用遠距醫療協助少數族群高血壓管控之成效—系統性文獻回顧護理雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.6224/jn.63.4.25
642016黃美芳 and 張慈桂老年人肺結核知識、態度和預防行為之探討:以鳳林鎮為例台灣公共衛生雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.6288/tjph201635105045
652015C. H. Chen, Y. C. Chang, Y. H. Hsieh, Y. C. Chen, Y. C. Huang and H. W. KuoThe association between drinking habits and family relationships in 3 villages of indigenous TaiwaneseAsia Pac J Public Healthhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1010539512452754
662015N. Chen, H. P. Hsieh, R. K. Tsai and M. M. SheuEye care services for the populations of remote districts in eastern Taiwan: a practical framework using a Mobile Vision Van UnitRural Remote Healthhttps://www.rrh.org.au/journal/article/3442
672015J. H. WangHappiness and social exclusion of indigenous peoples in Taiwan–a social sustainability perspectivePLoS Onehttp://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0118305
682015Y. L. Chen, W. Y. Hsu, C. S. Lai, T. C. Tang, P. W. Wang, Y. C. Yeh, M. F. Huang, C. F. Yen and C. S. ChenOne-year follow up of PTSD and depression in elderly aboriginal people in Taiwan after Typhoon MorakotPsychiatry Clin Neuroscihttp://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pcn.12227
692015L. L. Lee, S. H. Lin and I. PhilpHealth needs of older Aboriginal people in Taiwan: a community-based assessment using a multidimensional instrumentJ Clin Nurshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jocn.12842
702015C. F. Kuo, M. J. Grainge, L. C. See, K. H. Yu, S. F. Luo, W. Zhang and M. DohertyEpidemiology and management of gout in Taiwan: a nationwide population studyArthritis Res Therhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13075-015-0522-8
712015J. T. Weng, L. S. Wu, C. S. Lee, P. W. Hsu and A. T. ChengIntegrative epigenetic profiling analysis identifies DNA methylation changes associated with chronic alcohol consumptionComput Biol Medhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2014.12.003
722015C. H. Cheng, H. L. Chen, I. T. Lin, C. H. Wu, Y. K. Lee, M. W. Wong and M. J. BairThe genotype distribution of hepatitis C in southeastern Taiwan: Clinical characteristics, racial difference, and therapeutic responseKaohsiung J Med Scihttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.kjms.2015.09.006
732015蔡美惠, 李百麟 and 黃誌坤屏東縣不同背景原住民宗教信仰與憂鬱之關係健康促進與衛生教育學報http://dx.doi.org/10.3966/207010632015120044004
742015張棋興, 梁忠詔, 林春香, 魏于鈞, 陳司恩 and 陳家慶原住民社區跌倒與非跌倒女性老人在下肢肌力、體能活動、平衡與走路能力之差異與相關性-以花蓮某偏鄉部落為例物理治療http://dx.doi.org/10.6215/fjpt.Pts1430814438
752015游淑靜, 劉建廷, 陳靖宜 and 陳楚杰宜蘭縣年輕女性代謝性症候群盛行率及風險因子之研究醫務管理期刊http://dx.doi.org/10.6174/jhm2015.16(4).294
762015林昭光, 洪栩隆 and 楊蕙真傳統民族舞蹈運動介入對泰雅族原住民在節慶效應下之生理指標的影響健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=15613852-201506-201601070015-201601070015-63-82
772015梁蕙芳, 鄭靜瑜 and 吳光名愛滋病防治教育介入成效-以原民鄉青少年為例護理暨健康照護研究http://dx.doi.org/10.6225/jnhr.11.1.64
792014M. H. Wang, C. H. Lee, C. Y. Lai, K. H. Chueh, C. F. Yen and M. S. YangHarmful alcohol use among Aboriginal people in southern Taiwan: the prevalence, correlates, and adverse drinking effectsJ Addict Nurshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1097/jan.0000000000000021
802014J. S. Chang, S. M. Lin, J. C. Chao, Y. C. Chen, C. M. Wang, N. H. Chou, W. H. Pan and C. H. BaiSerum ferritin contributes to racial or geographic disparities in metabolic syndrome in TaiwanPublic Health Nutrhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1368980013001596
812014A. N. Chen, K. F. Chen, P. C. Chang, F. J. Shih, C. R. Chen, F. J. Shih and C. Y. HuangHindering factors and suggestions related to organ donation decisions: perspective of the Taiwan Ali-Shan Tsou aboriginal tribeTransplant Prochttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.transproceed.2014.01.008
822014H. W. Chen, N. F. Chu, H. H. Chen and M. L. YehThe smoking behaviors of indigenous Taiwanese: individual and family/community factors of influenceJ Nurs Reshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1097/jnr.0000000000000014
832014陳錦宏, R. Stewart, 伍美馨 and 李子奇Ethnicity Composition and Altitude on Suicide: A Spatial Analysis of Data from Taiwan台灣精神醫學https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=10283684-201412-201501160030-201501160030-232-241%2bii
842014康鈞尉, 陳俊龍, 李俊毅 and 曾頌惠2007-2012年全國發展遲緩兒童通報概況台灣復健醫學雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.6315/2014.42(2)06
852014陳杏雯, 祝年豐, 陳興夏 and 葉美玲The Smoking Behaviors of Indigenous Taiwanese: Individual and Family/Community Factors of InfluenceThe Journal of Nursing Researchhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1097/jnr.0000000000000014
892013M. H. Lin, S. J. Huang, W. M. Shih, P. Y. Wang, L. H. Lin and H. C. HsuEffects of an anti-smoking program to prevent lung cancer among urban aboriginals in TaiwanAsian Pac J Cancer Prevhttp://dx.doi.org/10.7314/apjcp.2013.14.11.6451
902013葉靜宜, 趙櫻花, 洪兆嘉, 陳若嵐, 廖秀慧 and 羅林雯台灣原住民部落對肝病認知及社區評估健康與建築雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.6299/jha.2013.1.1.R8.64
972012F. J. Shih, Y. C. Chang, C. F. Chen, F. J. Lin, Y. S. Huang, Y. H. Yan, F. J. Shih and C. R. ChenDifficulties in organ procurement and transplantation in the aboriginal minority people in TaiwanTransplant Prochttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.transproceed.2012.03.022
982012T. C. Wu, W. Y. Lei, M. C. Chen and C. T. HuStrongyloides stercoralis infection: a health issue regarding indigenous people in TaiwanTrans R Soc Trop Med Hyghttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trstmh.2012.04.004
992012賈鎮芳, 胡月娟 and 吳尚蓉運用個案管理流程協助一位糖尿病合併症原住民個案自我照護經驗領導護理http://dx.doi.org/10.29494/ln.201212.0007
1002012李敏靜, 張朱翠眉 and 楊宜霖照顧一位縱膈腔腫瘤合併骨轉移疼痛患者之護理經驗馬偕護理雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.29415/jmkn.201207_6(2).0005
1012012高文揚, 盧美麗, 陳明宏, 施國森 and 張世沛原住民大學生身體組成現況調查研究-以國立勤益科大為例運動與遊憩研究http://dx.doi.org/10.29423/jsrr.201203_6(3).0005
1032011Y. L. Chen, C. S. Lai, W. T. Chen, W. Y. Hsu, Y. C. Wu, P. W. Wang and C. S. ChenRisk factors for PTSD after Typhoon Morakot among elderly people in Taiwanese aboriginal communitiesInt Psychogeriatrhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1041610211000986
1042011L. J. Chang, S. F. Lo and M. HayterDrinking behaviors: the life narratives of indigenous Bunun women in TaiwanJ Nurs Reshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1097/JNR.0b013e31821cbbd0
1052011陳杏雯, 祝年豐, 陳興夏 and 葉美玲探討中部居民吸菸行為之相關因素志為護理-慈濟護理雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.6974/tcnj.201110.0066
1062011張麗蓉, 羅淑芬 and M. HayterDrinking Behaviors: The Life Narratives of Indigenous Bunun Women in TaiwanThe Journal of Nursing Researchhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1097/JNR.0b013e31821cbbd0
1072011陳秋蓉, 石東生, 謝曼麗, 楊啓賢 and 徐儆暉我國原住民勞工職業災害分析勞工安全衛生研究季刊http://dx.doi.org/10.7005/josh.201103.0086
1082011蕭雅純, 王光德 and 白明忠Prevalence of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome in Aboriginals in Southeastern Taiwan-A Hospital-based Study內科學誌http://dx.doi.org/10.6314/jimt.2011.22(1).06
1112010D. R. Chen and T. H. WenSocio-spatial patterns of neighborhood effects on adult obesity in Taiwan: a multi-level modelSoc Sci Medhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2009.11.030
1122010唐如青, 謝蕙如, 陳俊志, 蕭思郁 and 黃純德偏遠山區原住民幼童的潔牙習慣與主要照顧者的口腔保健知識及態度之相關性-以高雄縣為例臺灣兒童牙醫學雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.6319/tjpd.2010.10(3).2
1132010黃志銘, 林慶宗, 呂宜興, 邱世哲 and 邱亨嘉Hospital Costs for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma安泰醫護雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.7078/tsmhmnjn.201012.0237
1142010洪麗玲, 熊曉芳, 陳敏麗, 張麗春, 陳秋月 and 陳真美臺灣地區原住民健康危害行為與代謝症候群之相關研究北市醫學雜誌http://dx.doi.org/10.6200/tcmj.2010.7.3.06
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